Similar to context collapse, the digital breakdown and clash of different audiences, we want to leave our institutional filter bubble and bring different backgrounds and audiences together. Focusing on the question “How does the Internet shape the public sphere and thus politics and society?“, we would like to implement a monthly format, inviting individuals working on different aspects of the subject matter to come together and discuss this question. The goal is to create a space where participants can share their perspectives, expertise, and experience, as well as collaboratively develop new interdisciplinary approaches to this major digital transformation of our democracy. For the time being, the core target group of the event are the PhD students researching at universities and institutes in Hamburg, but all who are interested in these topics are welcome to join the salon.
Format: Context Collapse aims to provide a space to encourage discussion and conversation among its participants, following the salon tradition. We therefore refrain from the classic lecture model and instead focus on short input segments, followed by informal discussions in small groups in the speak, discuss, and shuffle format. The evening is then rounded off by a get-together with beer, wine, non-alcoholic beverages, and snacks.
Conversation format: speak, discuss, and shuffle Round 1: 15 minutes of input, 5 minutes of comprehension questions, and 15 minutes of small table discussion Shuffle: The table rounds dissolve and come together in a new constellation Round 2: 15 minutes of input, 5 minutes of comprehension questions, and 15 minutes of small table discussion Final discussion: 15 minutes of discussion of all inputs in a large group |
Date and location: The event is hold on a monthly (but we may have a term break). The location will change, as the event will wander around Hamburg! Check out the date and location of our next event at the events section and join our mailing list for further updates!
Call for contributions: Can you see yourself providing a short input as a basis for discussion? The success of the format is dependent on your contributions, and we are looking forward to your thoughts, insights, and perspectives!
Organizers: Currently, Context Collapse is organized by Jan Rau, Hendrik Meyer, Cornelia Fedtke, and Laura Laugwitz. We are happy about people who want to join the team or host the event at their home institution.