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Salon Series: The Digital Transformation of the Public Sphere

June 8, 2023

Program: Laura Laugwitz is a member of the „Digital Journalism“ team, led by Professor Lischka, at Hamburg University. Prior to this, she worked as a student assistant in a transdisciplinary BMBF joint project on crisis management of public pommunication in the thematic field of refugees and migration („NOHATE“). Her research primarily revolves around automated recommendations of news across different platforms, hate speech in digital communication, critical, interdisciplinary, and feminist perspectives on computer/communication sciences and automated research methods. Laura will be giving a presentation on the history of women in IT industry. Our second speaker, Cornelia Fedtke, is a sociologist at the Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg and is part of the project „Leadership Cultures in the Digital Age – The Case of the Bundeswehr“. Her work predominantly concentrates on the intersection of digitalization and discourse theory, employing (computer-assisted) qualitative methods within the realm of organizational sociology and sociology of technology. She will be presenting on „Dynamics of Hate Speech and Counter Speech in the German Migration Discourse on Facebook“.

Date and time: June 8, at 7pm. The official part of the event normally takes around two hours and will be followed by some informal drinks at the library balcony.

Location: We are meeting at the Leibniz-Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institute, Rothenbaumchaussee 36, 20148 Hamburg.

Registration: If you want to join this event, please register here. If you cannot attend, but want to be informed about upcoming events in the next months, please join our mailing list!

Call for contributions: Can you see yourself providing a short input as a basis for discussion? The success of the format is dependent on your contributions, and we are looking forward to your thoughts, insights, and perspectives!